Write away....

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

98 days to go!

As of three weeks ago my friend and I purchased our tickets for Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. I now can hold the 'printed' version of my tickets and feel the overwhelming need to brag to my friends that my trip is now a reality. Buying the tickets was an adventure within itself. We went through a travel agency, which turned out to be a fine choice. The biggest issue we came across was trying to book a reasonable ticket to central Australia. Every way we tried to manipulate the situation we were spending almost as much on central Australia as we were on the trip to the continent itself. So we have decided to try being less organized and more flexible by booking that 'mini' trip as we go (I am sure that post will be an interesting one).

So we leave on January 12th 2011. We stop over in Las Vagas for five hours and then Fiji for another few hours before we land in New Zealand for 16 glorious days, then off to Australia. I will be taking so many planes that I am becoming a little nervous about how I will fair, though I am certain that it will be a better trip than Bernard and Bianca had with Whilbur on their trip down under.

December and January will be an interesting month as I will be shoving my material self into a storage unit and will becoming homeless for two weeks prior to my departure. I haven't decided what to do about that situation, but I am hoping that it will be a good time to say goodbye to friends by monopolizing their couches and eating their food.
I will continue to make my way through these last few months of school trying to live in the present despite the blinding brightness of my future travels.