Alright so I know that it has been a quite a few posts in the last little while but now we are almost up to date. From Airley beach we took an overnight bus with Greyhound to Hervey bay. It was an exhausting night and thankfully we only have one more trip like this in the future. Hervey bay is one of the gateways to Fraser Island.
We stayed two days there and then caught this freight like ferry across the ocean to begin our adventure on the largest sand island in the world.
We met our tour guide, Kirsty, and the other 12 people on our bus. We headed off right away on the off road (well on a road but it sure felt like an off road experience) tour of the island.
We got to walk through some of the forest areas, which altered significantly as you walked, from bush type areas, to rain forests to deserts. It was amazing.
(Picture of the giant tree)
(Picture of the giant tree)
We got to hug one of the biggest trees on the island, it took seven of us to link arms around it. After that we headed to Mackenzie lake where the sand, much like Whithaven but not quite as good, will exfoliate your skin.
The Cool Dingo experience that we were on was great because we could spend lots of time in one place. So at Lake Mackenzie we hung out for a couple of hours swimming, exfoliating, playing in the water.
Afterwards we had tea and cookies. The cookies were sooooo good. Devon and I on the first day over did it with over half a dozen cookies eaten by the afternoon. I might have been channelling the cookie monster...
This is our group, or most of them however we lost more than half of them on the third day because they were only on a two day trip.
(picture of the group)
On our second day we got to see how there were dessert zones around the island in the midst of so much forest. It turns out the winds blow the day up from the beach then the foliage tries to take the area back over and then this is repeated over and over again in a contsant struggle for the land. Below is a picture of this, with me being blown away by the knowledge....

Later that night we headed back to the Kingfisher resort where we were staying and play jumbo jenga. It was awesome, we beat the old record of 31 levels by two!! In the end it was as tall as I am!!!
(picture of the group)
On our second day we got to see how there were dessert zones around the island in the midst of so much forest. It turns out the winds blow the day up from the beach then the foliage tries to take the area back over and then this is repeated over and over again in a contsant struggle for the land. Below is a picture of this, with me being blown away by the knowledge....
The next day we drove on the 75 mile beach. up to the Champagne Pools. these are pools that are like giant tidal pools where the ocean washes in. Below is a picture of me in it. It is very neat as you are swimming with the fishes while waves crash around you!

<----- Here is a picture of the beach that we drove on it is pristine sand with beautiful waves. you can see that point out in the distance it is called Indian head, and from there it is a beautiful view of the ocean all the way until South Africa!!!! Below is a picture of me at the top!
On our third day we visited two lakes one was Lake Wabby. This lake was green and had a desert on one side and a forest on the other. It was also filled with catfish. I really enjoyed this place as the water was a perfect temperature for swimming. The other lake we visited was lake Birabeen. It was a yellow lake due to the trees that were on the edge of the lake. It is supposed to heal wounds and injuries when you swim in it, maybe that is why my cut on corral didn't get infected.... :) This lake is seen below, I loved how it was yellow then green then blue then green then blue in this picture, it was very peaceful.
We also got to see the ship wreak that is along the beach called the Mahalo. It was wreaked there in 1935.
(picture of the ship)
The tide was high so the waves were crashing upon it, which was a very impressive view.
(picture of the ship)
The tide was high so the waves were crashing upon it, which was a very impressive view.
Here is me in the driver seat of the truck that drove us around. As you can see it was very large and ready for the rough and tumble roads we encountered! The road conditions below are an
example of what we drove through!!!!!
All around the island, especially on the beaches, there were tons of butterflies. Below is a picture of one that took a rest on the sand.
We left the island and all of it's beauty behind and headed out for Brisbane the next day. That is where I am now and we have been able to visit some friends that we met along the Australian road. I will tell you all about it in my next blog.
I am super excited about the coming weeks as we finish up our trip of Australia and Fiji, not only because we still have lots of fun things to see and do, but so I can see Victoria again with my friends and family! See you all sooner than I think :)
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