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Monday, June 10, 2013

She'll be coming over the mountains when she comes!

 WARNING!!! TOO MANY MOUNTAIN PICTURES ARE IN THIS BLOG POST!!!! Right off the bat I will tell you that it was stupid how many pictures of the Rockies I took but it couldn't be helped. They are the definition of the word awesome (awe....inspiring!!). So here is the route I took from Victoria B.C. to Calgary A.B.
It took me from June 3rd to June 7th.
 Canada: The great north. Famous for it's mountains, trains, parries, oceans, animals, and winters. Perhaps more as I will soon discover. On my drive I encountered four trains along the way, they seem to go on for miles filled with wood, oil and all the essentials for the government to sell for money. I haven't seen a passenger train yet. even though it is supposed to be the way to travel Canada.
Another classic thing Canada is known for is the wild life. I have to say that I most definitely encountered a fair bit of wild life and I am only in the second province. So far I have seen four bears total, this one was a brown bear near the road on my way from Whistler to Lillooet. I also saw a mama and baby black bear and a grizzly. I have doubbed this guy George since he turned around to have a curious look at us when we stopped, though I think that's because he didn't like that we stopped and was giving us the eye.
As we drove through the Coastal Mountain Range I felt like I was Pinocchio driving down the whales esophagus being swallowed up by the mountains walls on all sides of me. This meant the temperature rose quickly.....

Since Victoria is Victoria and I am not use to lots of sun at this time of the year, I began to overheat.

The temperature in Lillooet was 31!!
In Lillooet there is a glacier run off that collects at this wonderful lake. It was very cold but a relief to walk into this clean and clear beach after the long drive. You can see this lake below.  

Literally a HOTspot!!

And I thought I had a large load!!!

This was the first glimpse I got of the Rockies. It felt as though these silent giants peered out at me from their cozy thick blankets but I didn't get a true look at them until the next day when the clouds cleared.

 Even through the sky wasn't clear my breath was taken away by the impressive size and natural beauty of these mountains. I am so very proud to be part of this country.
 Ok so I thought that Hawaii had lots of waterfalls but it turns out we have a ton of impressive powerful glacial waterfalls. Emphasis of the powerful!
Reargaurd Falls

I decided I'd try to take a swim......

  Tadaaaaaaaa Jess presents to you......Mount Robson

 Below are the four mountains that are clustered together and began my journey through to Alberta.

Of course I got lost in the midst of all the signs. I have to get lost every few days or so or else my life doesn't seem complete.
The crushing beauty of the mountains got to me. 

 So right beside the sign for Alberta there was bear scat. It was a strong sign of what was to come......

After 6 hours of driving our destination was upon us. The weather was not as hot as it was in Lillooet. We came into the town Jasper and it was extremely cloudy and poured torrential rain for 30 minutes. I thought long and hard about getting a hotel room but the rain settled. I would rather stay in a campground than a hotel so I can really experience the local area better.
 It wasn't our first stop in Jasper but it was great to have my gift card to grab a snack for when we set up camp.
So I forgot to take a picture of our campground but it was big and very equipped for wildlife. Good thing it was because there were Cariboo and bears living IN the campground. I have proof of this near the end of the blog. :D
 We continued the drive the and I just put these following pictures in because I couldn't get over the mountains and these pictures were very Canadian picturesque.

 The Athabasca Falls were breath taking. They were only 30 minutes from my campsite so we checked it out before settling for the night. I took a few pictures of it since it was just lovely. It runs off the Athabasca pass glacier which you will see in my pictures below.
This was a grizzly bear we meet at the size of the road about 5 Kilimeters from my campsite.
Our camp group's local residents.

More waterfalls. Take that Hawaii!!! 

Our country is just amazing.
We made our way across the Ice Field Parkway towards Lake Louise and Baniff. There is a picture below of Jeff, Mia and I near Lake Louise. Though it is a beautiful spot I found it really over touristy and kinda sad to see such a large ugly hotel next to it. I didn't stay long here and mosied my way to Baniff.

 In Baniff... need your fix..... Whaaaaat?

Finally here is the proof that life was in our campsite that you have been waiting for. We discovered this the next day. A bear had climbed up on top of my car and back down again. The prints you see below are the size of my hand.
So now Jeff and I have parted ways and I headed for Calgary. I will post again when I have left Alberta. I am currently in Edmonton after checking out Calgary for a couple days. Hope you enjoyed the post and it wasn't too scatterbrained or overwhelming with pictures for you. Thanks for reading!!

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